
La statistique, l'évaluation et la prospective agricole

Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation

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Only summaries are available in English. Full articles (PDF files) are in French.
Primeurs N° 266, N° 271, N° 272, N° 276 - Agricultural census 2010 : full article are in english
  • Water and waste-water disposal services - A slight shift in trends - Primeur N° 250 (PDF : 488.4 ko) - 22/02/2011

    The principal changes noted between 2004 and 2008 are : the decrease in domestic water consumption, the increasing number of local government-provided water management services, the narrowing of the price gap between the services supplied by these authorities and the prices charged for those delegated to private water management companies. In addition, increasing inter-municipal cooperation in water provision and treatment, higher water prices due to the greater cost of waste-water disposal, reduced rates of water loss, and development of non-collective public services for waste-water treatment are confirmed.

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Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation